Global Estonian | Conference: The Great Escape of 1944 – The Baltic Experience

Conference: The Great Escape of 1944 – The Baltic Experience

Community & Culture
Event Type: 
Conference or convention
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Event Organizer: 
Event Description: 

19.-20. septembril algusega kell 11:00 hommikul toimub Tartu College´is koostöös Toronto eesti õppetooliga rahvusvaheline konverents „The Great Escape of 1944 - The Baltic Experience”.

Suurpõgenemisele ja selle järelmitele pühendatud konverentsil räägitakse põgenemise põhjustest ja protsessist, põgenike ümberasumisest ja kohanemisest Kanadas, erinevate põlvkondade elust mitmikidenteediga ja tööst ajaloopärandiga. Esinevad akadeemilised uurijad, filmitegijad ja mälestusraamatute autorid, ajaloopärandi säilitajad lisaks Kanadale ka Eestist, USAst ja Hollandist. Konverents toimub inglise keeles.

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Osavõtt konverentsist on vaba, kuid palume oma osavõtust teatada kikrjutades aadressile

Konverentsi virtuaalseks vaatamiseks klõpsake allolevatel linkidel:

Conference Day 1:
Meeting ID: 851 9139 1626
Passcode: 970304

Conference Day 2:
Meeting ID: 856 2351 8828
Passcode: 028545

Organizers: VEMU Estonian Museum Canada
Elmar Tampõld Chair of Estonian Studies, University of Toronto
Major funder: Estonian Foundation Canada
Sponsors: Estonian Central Council in Canada, Integration Foundation (Estonia) Tartu College

Description (English): 

VEMU in partnership with the Chair of Estonian Studies at the University of Toronto will be hosting a conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Escape from Estonia in 1944.

The conference will be held in English, on Sept. 19 & 20 at Tartu College (310 Bloor St. W.) from 11:00am-5:00pm on both days.

Presentations and discussions will be centred around the Great Escape and its aftermath, the reasons and process of the escape, the resettlement and adaptation of refugees in Canada, the lives of different generations with multiple identities, as well as working with historical heritage. Guest speakers will include academic researchers, filmmakers, authors, and historical heritage preservationists; all coming from Canada, Estonia, the US, and the Netherlands. 

Participation in the conference is free, but please notify us of your participation by writing to

For full program details visit:

VEMU will also be livestreaming the conference on Zoom. Click the following links to participate virtually.

Conference Day 1:
Meeting ID: 851 9139 1626
Passcode: 970304

Conference Day 2:
Meeting ID: 856 2351 8828
Passcode: 028545

Organizers: VEMU Estonian Museum Canada
Elmar Tampõld Chair of Estonian Studies, University of Toronto
Major funder: Estonian Foundation Canada
Sponsors: Estonian Central Council in Canada, Integration Foundation (Estonia) Tartu College



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