Global Communities | Global Estonian


Estonia extends beyond its borders!

According to estimates, there are up to 200 000 people of Estonian origin worldwide – a substantial number considering the population of Estonia. Studies show that nearly 80% Estonians living abroad want to stay informed about life in Estonia and contribute to the development of the Estonian society and promoting Estonia worldwide. The global Estonian diaspora brings together Estonians, people of Estonian origin living abroad and friends of Estonia.


Estonian groups and organizations around the world
Estonian houses, community buildings, churches...
Shops and restaurants around the world
Stats and info about Estonians around the world

Surveys & Reports

Estonian Communities Abroad: Identity, Attitudes and Expectations Towards Estonia   
The final report of the study "Estonian Communities Abroad: Identity, Attitudes and Expectations Towards Estonia" conducted by the Institute of Baltic Studies is now ready for everyone to read. The study is the most extensive undertaking to map the Estonian communities living abroad and to make them aware of their worries and joys.

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