Global Estonians: stats & numbers | Global Estonian
200 000
Estonians living abroad
121 181
Estonian citizens living abroad
Percentage of Estonians abroad


TOP 10

Number of Estonians: by country

Finland 70 618
United States 29 128
Sweden 26 854
Canada 24 530
Russia 20 000
Australia 11 966
United Kingdom 10 000
Germany 7 300
Norway 6 108
Ireland 3 000


Global Estonians

The overall number of Estonians abroad (200 000) is an estimate as the count is sometimes based on the number of people who identify as Estonian in terms of ethnicity in national censuses and in other cases the count is based on Estonian citizens abroad according to Statistics Estonia or according to embassy estimates. According to Statistics Estonia there are 121 181 Estonian citizens abroad as of 01.01.2022.



Return migration of Estonian citizens: 2020

Finland 2116
United Kingdom 437
Russia 322
Germany 127
Norway 126

Emigration of Estonian citizens: 2020

Finland 2212
Russia 276
United Kingdom 204
Germany 125
Sweden 108
Returning to Estonia

In the period of 2016-2020, the total number of Estonian emigrants (37 251) exceeded the total number of those who returned (36 679). In the period of 2017-2019, the number of those who returned to Estonia was bigger than the number of those who emigrated, but this trend changed again in 2020.


Estonian language and culture
Family ties in Estonia
Estonia's international reputation

Top three factors for keeping Estonian identity and connecting with Estonia among Estonians abroad.


Connecting with Estonia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducted a survey among Estonians living abroad in 2020 to find out how prominent a place their land of origin holds in their everyday lives. A large share (76%) of respondents were interested in contributing to the development of Estonia and happy with their inclusion.


91 406
Total number of e-residents of Estonia
21 105
Estonian companies established by e-residents
€90 million
Revenue from e-Residency for Estonian state


e-Residency program

Estonia's e-Residency program was launched in December 2014 with the aim of providing foreign nationals secure access to digital services offered within the Estonian e-governance ecosystem.





The overall number of Estoninans abroad (200 000) is an estimate as the count is sometimes based on the number of people who identify as Estonian in terms of ethnicity in national censuses and in other cases the count is based on Estonian citizens abroad according to Statistics Estonia or according to embassy estimates. According to Statistics Estonia there are 121 181 Estonian citizens abroad as of 01.01.2022.

Download a full list of Estonian citizens worldwide in Excel (Statistics Estonia):

Estonian Citizens All Estonians
Finland 54094 70 618
United States 4781 29 128
Sweden 5036 26 854
Canada 3042 24 530
Russia 19174 20 000
Australia 2967 11 966
United Kingdom 9528 10 000
Germany 5577 7 300
Norway 1594 6 108
Ireland 2463 3 000
Belgium 641 2 000
Latvia 745 1 587
Netherlands 941 2 380
Denmark 854 1 542
Spain 1080 1080
France 1026 1026
Italy 841 841
Iisrael 838 838
Šveits 812 812
Brasiilia 635 635
Leedu 272 419
Austria 367 367
Luksemburg 284 284
Valgevene 247 247
Tšehhi 203 203
Argentina 181 181
Uus-Meremaa 174 174
Cyprus 90 90
Portugal 77 77
Island 66 66


Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.