Global Estonian | Commemorative events of the fateful year 1944 - 80 years since the beginning of the resistance
Eesti metsavennad
Estonian forest brothers - fighters against the Soviet occupation power. Photo: Estonian National Archives.

Commemorative events of the fateful year 1944 - 80 years since the beginning of the resistance

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This year we commemorate the events of the fateful year 1944 for Estonia, when nearly 80 000 people fled Estonia in fear of the Red Terror, and on September 22, the resistance to the Red occupying power and the fight for a free and democratic Estonia began.

Mass Flight

This year marks 80 years since the late summer and autumn of 1944, when about 80 000 people fled Estonia from the invading Soviet army, many of whom never reached their destination. Commemorative events are planned both in Estonia and in communities abroad.

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Day of Resistance

22 September 1944 saw the start of Estonia’s resistance to the Soviet occupying power and the fight for a free and democratic Estonia. Estonia never surrendered and resistance lasted in various forms until the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Estonia in 1991.

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