Global Estonian | Tuvi toas or Pigeon in the Room by Anna Jaanisoo

Tuvi toas or Pigeon in the Room by Anna Jaanisoo

Performing arts, Theatre & Dance
Event Type: 
Concert or performance
Event Address: 

Q-teatteri, Tunturikatu 16
00100 Helsinki

Event Organizer: 
Event Description: 

This is a play about potato salad and alienation.
A play about how Finnish people see Estonians.
This is a play about the Baltic Sea, a car ferry and a studio flat.

A play about how Estonians see Finnish people.
This is a play about a pigeon thrashing around in a closed space. 

Anna Jaanisoo is a playwright and stage director, who graduated with an MA from the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki in 2024. Born in Tallinn, Estonia, Jaanisoo is currently based in Helsinki, Finland. In 2022, Jaanisoo directed a production entitled aikuisten esitys (an adult performance) at the Puoli-Q venue. The project was a collaboration between Q Theatre and the University of the Arts Helsinki. 

Tuvi toas or Pigeon in the Room investigates the experience of performing national identity. How to be as Finnish as possible in Finland? How to be as Estonian as possible in Estonia? How to conceal your alienation and hide the fact that you don't belong?

The performances will have estonian, english and finnish subtitles.



Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.