Global Estonian | Estonians abroad awarded state decorations by the President of Estonia
Foto: Raigo Pajula/VPK

Estonians abroad awarded state decorations by the President of Estonia

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This year, President Alar Karis awarded state decorations to 157 people. We are happy to see that they include several Estonians who can lovingly be called global Estonians.

Recipients include:

Tõnu Altosaar – architect and preserver of the Estonian cultural identity in North America

Jüri Saukas – Estonia’s Honorary Consul in Brazil

Tiina Maripuu – teacher of Estonian language and culture in Finland

Kristi Vuht Allpere – preserver of Estonian cultural identity in the United States of America 


Tõnu Altosaar has left an impressive mark on the urban landscape of Toronto. Working for B+H Architects for more than 50 years, Tõnu has been a part of the birth of 18 iconic buildings in Toronto. 

Tiina Maripuu has taught Estonian to children in Finland for more than 10 years, preserving Estonian language and cultural identity in Finland. She is one of those wonderful teachers who travels from school to school and gives Estonian language lessons to children every week.  She is also passing on her love of language to the students of Üleilmakool (Global School). 

Jüri Saukas is our legendary honorary consul in São Paulo. He arrived in Brazil in 1944 with his family as refugees. His parents told stories about Estonia to him and his brothers, their home language was Estonian and he speaks it to this day. There are more than 600 Estonian citizens living in Brazil. 

Kristi Vuht-Allpere is an industrious woman who initiated the monument for the Great Flight of 1944 that now stands next to the Kesklinna Bridge in Pärnu. Thanks to her activism, this important and sad event in Estonian history is commemorated with a sculpture by Elo Liiv.

Congratulations to the recipients!

Read on for a full list of the recipients of decorations:…



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