Global Estonian | Application round for educational projects of Estonian communities abroad
Avanes haridusprojektide taotlusvoor

Application round for educational projects of Estonian communities abroad

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Beginning this year, the Estonian Language Institute will coordinate the activities of the network of Estonian schools abroad.

The Institute will implement the activities of the Language Program 2024-2027 in order to support the learning of the Estonian language in Estonian communities abroad: to finance educational projects, mediate educational materials, offer training and distribute information necessary for the activities of the network.

The Institute will also provide support for educational projects with the aim of promoting studies aimed at preserving the Estonian language and culture outside of Estonia and supporting activities. Support is given to projects submitted by legal entities, the purpose of which is the development of the Estonian language and culture in the Estonian community abroad, the organization of Estonian language and culture lessons, and the organization of cultural programs directly related to teaching."

The application round opens on April 15 and closes on May 7. The results will be notified no later than one month after the closing of the application round.





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