Global Estonian | First robot traffic jam recorded in Estonia
Global Estonian

First robot traffic jam recorded in Estonia

Maailma esimene pakirobotite ummik tuvastati Eestis
Estonia › Tallinn
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Eestis on inimeste rõõmuks maha sadanud üle ootuste palju lund. Starshipi pakirobotitel võtab see natukene harjumist.

Description (English): 

Starship robots are attempting to revolutionize food and package deliveries, offering people new services that improve everyday life.

Launched in 2014 by Skype co-founders, Ahti Heinla and Janus Friis, Starship Technologies today operates in several cities across the world. Starship's business headquarters are in San Francisco with main engineering office in Estonia.

But recent wintery weather in Estonia has put them to the test. This video caught a robot traffic jam in Tallinn.


Another video uploaded to Twitter caught a policeman in Tallinn stopping traffic to help a Starship delivery robot cross the street after it had gotten stuck in the snow:



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