Global Estonian | Consular Mission to Los Angeles

Consular Mission to Los Angeles

Event Address: 

1306 West 24th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
United States

Event Organizer: 
Estonian Honorary Consul in LA
Contact Person: 
Mr. Jaak Treiman
Event Description: 

The Estonian Consul in Washington DC, will conduct a consular mission, offering all consular services during these times.

You can update your fingerprints with the consul if you anticipate needing to renew a document in the next few years and your fingerprints are or will be outdated. This could potentially save you a future trip to Washington, DC! The service is provided free of charge.

Please bring your US passport and Estonian passport or ID-card.

Payments during the consular mission can be made by debit or credit card.



Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.