Global Estonian | Application round open to support publications of Estonian communities abroad
Avanes taotlusvoor: Eesti väliskogukondade väljaannete toetamine

Application round open to support publications of Estonian communities abroad

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The application round is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by the Integration Foundation.

Support is given to a project that helps to strengthen the sustainability of the editorial offices of periodical publications of Estonian foreign communities in providing news and information, strengthening the sense of unity with Estonia, and preserving and promoting the Estonian language and culture. Each applicant can submit one application (the maximum grant amount is 7,000 euros).

What activities can a grant be applied for?

1) sustainability of the publication - continuation of publication, expansion and increase of the readership, including the involvement of a younger readership;

2) development of the publication's digital platform;

3) digitization and publication of video materials reflecting the activities of the Estonian community;

4) collecting and publishing stories of Estonians abroad and Estonian culture;

5) advertising and marketing;

6) further education, training or sharing of experience of members of the editorial staff of media publications.

A private legal entity registered in Estonia, a self-employed person entered in the business register or a private legal entity registered in a foreign country according to the rules of the country of residence can be an applicant for support.

We are waiting for applications until April 8, 2024.

More information about this application round can be found here (in Estonian).



Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.