Global Estonian | ESTO 2025 started registration of singers, dancers and musicians
ESTO 2025 alustas lauljate, tantsijate ja muusikute registreerimist

ESTO 2025 started registration of singers, dancers and musicians

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Next summer, the Global Estonian Festival ESTO 2025 will be held for the 13th time.

They start on June 26 with the ESTO dance party in Stockholm, continue with the joint concert "ESTO song" in Narva, and end on the eve of the XXVIII song and XXI dance party in Tallinn on July 2. Until October 31, the organizers invite Estonian folk dancers, choir singers and instrument players from all over the world to register for the ESTO dance party and ESTO song party.

The main organizer of Estonian Days, Sirle Sööt, says that this time ESTO is called "Together", because the organizers' wish is to bring together Estonian communities around the world again, to strengthen the global Estonian mind and the sense of belonging to the land and people of Estonia. Sööt is convinced that the common feeling among all Estonians in the world helps preserve and help little Estonia. The main organizer emphasizes that singing choirs, folk dance groups and musicians from near and far, from Australia, America, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Belgium and Estonia are expected to perform at ESTO.

The artistic directors of the opening ceremony performance in Stockholm are Hirvo Surva and Mall Paulus, and the artistic directors of the "ESTO song" concert in Narva are Hirvo Surva and Jaan Seim.

The ESTO 2025 program includes many cultural events and meetings, a youth congress, a business forum, a national congress and much more.

ESTO 2025 takes place immediately before the XXVIII song and XXI dance festival "Iseoma", which takes place from July 3 to 6. When planning the concerts, it is taken into account that singers, dancers and musicians can participate in ESTO events as well as song and dance party rehearsals.



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