Global Estonian | Estonia's 5miinust ja Puuluup book place in Eurovision Song Contest grand final
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Estonia's 5miinust ja Puuluup book place in Eurovision Song Contest grand final

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Estonia is through to the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest grand final in Malmö, Sweden, after this year's entry, 5miinust ja Puuluup, picked up enough points to qualify at Thursday night's semi-final.

Thursday's event was the second semi-final and also coincided with Europe Day, following the first heat on Tuesday. The last 10 finalists were decided on the basis of a televote.

Estonia's entry, "(Nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) mitte midagi" (roughly: "(About these) drugs we (certainly) know nothing"), was performed by Põhja Korea, Kohver, Lancelot, Päevakoer, Marko Veisson, Ramo Teder, and Kim Wennerström.


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