Global Estonian | On January 30th we celebrate Estonian Literature Day
Anton Hansen Tammsaare kuju Tammsaare pargis.
Anton Hansen Tammsaare kuju Tammsaare pargis.

On January 30th we celebrate Estonian Literature Day

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Estonian Literature Day is celebrated on January 30, which is also the birthday of the writer Anton Hansen Tammsaare. From 2023, it is also a national holiday and flag day.

With Estonian Literature Day, we want to value literature and pay attention to contemporary literature and the role of writers in Estonian culture and society.

Literature is a uniter of people and generations, because it covers the whole nation, different age and social groups. Reading fiction in your native language enriches your vocabulary, helps you make sense of the world around you, and articulate your imagination in a way that no other art form can. The influence of literature on a person's mental capacity and cultural connection is priceless.



Estonian literature reading day
For the fourth year in a row, the Estonian Children's Literature Center and the Tuglas Society organize a day of reading together. On this day, Estonians and friends of Estonia around the world read one and the same Estonian book in order to value the knowledge of Estonian literature and the knowledge of the Estonian language.

Estonian Literature Day online quiz
Celebrate Estonian Literature Day with VEMU by taking part in our online quiz game from Jan. 30th - Feb. 4th. Join in on the quiz on to win prizes! In Estonian.





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