Global Estonian | Apply for the Estophilus scholarship for research in Estonia
Apply for the Estophilus scholarship for research in Estonia

Apply for the Estophilus scholarship for research in Estonia

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The purpose of Estophilus scholarship is to support the Estonia-specific research of students enrolled in universities abroad and of international researchers interested in the Estonian language and culture (in Estonia), by thus contributing to the exchange of knowledge and making Estonia more visible. The activity results in increased number of studies related to Estonia and of the students interested in the Estonian language and culture.

Who can apply?

The Estophilus scholarship may be applied for by the foreign nationals final year BA students, master’s students, PhD students and post-doctorate researchers from universities abroad while staying in Estonia for conducting research or collecting material about Estonia for 1-5 months. The Estonian language proficiency is an advantage but not a requirement. The research plan has to focus on topics related to Estonia in specific.  

The scholarship programme is managed by the Education and Youth Board of Estonia. However, the primary contact of the grantee before and during the research mobility is the grantee’s academic supervisor at an Estonian university.

The deadline to apply is November 10th, 2024 (23.59 Estonian time).


More information:

Kerttu Lõhmus
Education and Youth Board of Estonia
+372 5359 7544



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