E-learning | Global Estonian



Services Category: 

Tartu Ülikoolis valmis esimene eesti keele häälduse harjutamiseks mõeldud mobiilirakendus SayEst.

Tartu Ülikooli eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituudi teadlased on loonud mobiilirakenduse SayEst, mis võimaldab eesti keele õppijal harjutada vokaalide ja konsonantide hääldust omale sobival ajal ja sobivas kohas. Rakendus töötab Androidi platvormil, see on tasuta ja seda saab kasutada olenemata õppija emakeelest; kasutajaliides on inglise ja vene keeles.

Description (English): 

University of Tartu launched SayEst, the first mobile app for learning Estonian pronunciation.

Researchers from the University of Tartu Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics have created a mobile app SayEst that allows learners of Estonian to practice the pronunciation of vowels and consonants at a time and place that suits them. The app runs on the Android platform, is free of charge and can be used regardless of the learner's mother tongue; the user interface is in English and Russian.

Global School

Services Category: 

The Global School of the Association of Education in Estonian provides Estonian children living outside Estonia with the opportunity to take e-courses, and is in charge of developing e-basic school (lower-secondary education).

The Global Estonian School is supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.


Services Category: 

Estonian e-courses "Keeleklikk" and "Keeletee"

Our courses are suitable for both beginners and intermediate level language learners.

"Keeleklikk" online course targets the learners who want to achieve an A2 (beginner) language level.
The course consists of 16 chapters that include more than 200 animations, over 100 grammar videos and about 1200 exercises.

Keeletee" online course targets the learners who want to achieve a B1 (intermediate) language level.
The course consists of 13 chapters that include authentic interviews, grammar videos, exercises and tests. The courses are free and can be accessed by everybody wanting to improve their Estonian language ability.

Both online courses are suited for English and Russian speaking learners. Also, independent learners and those learning under teacher's tutorial can use these courses. The courses are aimed at adult learners who need the Estonian language for communicationg in everyday situations. Both courses are supported by an Estonian teacher with whom the learners can exchange messages via email.


Services Category: 

KideoCall is focusing on preschoolers with Estonian roots, to develop their Estonian language and introduce Estonian culture. Additionally, KideoCall is on the mission to support multilingual expat families living in Estonia.


KideoCall keskendub praegu välismaal elavatele Eesti juurtega koolieelikutele, et toetada eesti keele hoidmist ja arengut ning kultuurikontaktide ja sõprussidemete loomist. Samuti soovitakse toetada ka Eestis elavaid teise kodukeelega peresid.  

Learner's Sõnaveeb (WordWeb)

Services Category: 

The Learner's Sõnaveeb (WordWeb) is intended primarily for learners at the A2–B1 proficiency levels. It shows 6,000 basic Estonian words and information is presented in a simpler way: the definitions are shorter, knowledge is organized using controlled vocabulary, there is explicit information about the most frequent morphological forms, etc.

The user can currently choose between two modes of information display: Sõnaveeb (for advanced users) or Learner's Sõnaveeb (for language learners). Sõnaveeb is intended primarily for native speakers. 


Keeleklikk: Estonian language e-courses
Services Category: 

Eesti keele e-kursused "Keeleklikk" ja "Keeletee"

Siinsed kursused on mõeldud nii alles eesti keelt õppima asujale kui ka juba edasijõudnud keeleõppijale. Oleme jaganud kursused vastavalt keeletasemetele kaheks:

"Keeleklikk" sobib algajale õppijale, kes tahab jõuda A2‑tasemele.
Kursus koosneb 16 peatükist, mis hõlmavad kokku 200 animatsiooni, üle 100 video, mis seletavad grammatikat ja umbes 1200 harjutust.

"Keeletee" sobib edasijõudnud õppijale, kes tahab jõuda B1‑tasemele
Kursus koosneb 13 peatükist, mis sisaldavad autentseid intervjuusid, animatsioone, grammatikavideosid, rohkelt harjutusvara ning teste.

Kursused on tasuta kättesaadavad kõigile, kes soovivad oma eesti keele oskust arendada. Mõlemal kursusel on õpe nii inglise kui vene keele baasil ning kursused sobivad nii iseõppijatele kui ka neile, kes õpivad rühmas keelekursusel. Kursused on mõeldud täiskasvanud õppijatele, kes soovivad õppida eesti keelt suhtlemiseks igapäevastes olukordades. Õppijaid toetab ka eesti keele õpetaja, kellega õppijad saavad e-posti teel vahetada kirjalikke tekste. Kursused on tasuta kättesaadavad kõigile, kes soovivad oma eesti keele oskust arendada.

Description (English): 

Estonian e-courses "Keeleklikk" and "Keeletee"

Our courses are suitable for both beginners and intermediate level language learners.

"Keeleklikk" online course targets the learners who want to achieve an A2 (beginner) language level.
The course consists of 16 chapters that include more than 200 animations, over 100 grammar videos and about 1200 exercises.

Keeletee" online course targets the learners who want to achieve a B1 (intermediate) language level.
The course consists of 13 chapters that include authentic interviews, grammar videos, exercises and tests. The courses are free and can be accessed by everybody wanting to improve their Estonian language ability.

Both online courses are suited for English and Russian speaking learners. Also, independent learners and those learning under teacher's tutorial can use these courses. The courses are aimed at adult learners who need the Estonian language for communicationg in everyday situations. Both courses are supported by an Estonian teacher with whom the learners can exchange messages via email.


Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.