Global Estonian | The Baltic Studies Program of Stanford Libraries

The Baltic Studies Program of Stanford Libraries

Balti õpingute programm Stanfordi Ülikooli Raamatukogus
Group Category: 
Образование - другое
  • Соединенные Штаты Америки

Green Library
557 Escondido Mall
Stanford, CA 94305
Соединенные Штаты

Эл. почта: 
+1 (650) 736-4724
Контактное лицо: 
Liisi Esse
Assistant Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies

The Baltic Studies Program of Stanford University Libraries (SUL) was founded in 2013, after SUL received an endowment from Kistler-Ritso Foundation. The aim of the program is to collect Baltic books, periodicals and archival materials, support research and teaching, and raise general awareness of the history and culture of the Baltic states by organizing cultural events and seminars. For more information about the Baltic Studies Program, and the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian holdings at SUL, visit


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