Eesti keele õpe välismaal | Global Estonian
Learning Estonian abroad

Learning Estonian abroad is more difficult abroad than in Estonia, yet it is not an impossible task. In Estonia, we are surrounded by the Estonian language. Abroad, you must take the time to create this environment or find it. It is important to choose a path that suits you and stick to it. The correct level and methods are key to helping you keep your spirits up on this journey.


E-courses for Estonian children living outside Estonia.
Free online Estonian language courses for beginners
Free Estonian language e-courses for intermediate learners
App for practicing the pronunciation of Estonian
Learn Estonian at schools worldwide
Find Estonian summer camps around the world



Study in Estonia


Study in Estonia: Estonia is an opportunity!

Estonia is a unique country in the world - clean and untouched nature and one of the most digital societies in the world coexist here. Estonia is a place where bold ideas come true, and thanks to Estonia's small size, it is much easier than in some big countries.

If you are a young person of Estonian origin abroad, coming to study in Estonia is a good opportunity for you to start shaping your career, but also to get in touch with your roots...

NOTE: The links below are in Estonian.



Jupiter is a free streaming web channel of ERR
Discover Estonian film heritage
Website that brings together ERR's children's programs


Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.