Global Estonian | New York Estonian School

New York Estonian School

New Yorgi Eesti Kool
Group Category: 
Schools / Estonian language classes
  • USA

243 East 34th St
New York, NY 10016
United States

Group Venue: 
Contact Person: 
Varje Snyder
Contact E-mail: 

New York Estonian School takes place on every other Saturday. Its main purpose is to develop Estonian language skills and teach students Estonian culture. The curriculum includes reading in Estonian, improving vocabulary, grammar, learning about history, folk dance, singing, etc.

The NY Estonian School invites children aged 2-12 to join us.


Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.