Global Estonian | Australian Estonians: Sõrve is a testament to the beauty of Estonian culture
Austraalia eestlased: Sõrve annab võimaluse näha Eesti kultuuri kogu ilus

Australian Estonians: Sõrve is a testament to the beauty of Estonian culture

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If an outsider were to look in at Sõrve for a few minutes, they would see a group of Estonian immigrant families meeting up every year to enjoy the Australian summer. They gather on a small peninsula by a serene lake, amidst the hum of cicadas, the heat, and the humidity. In reality, Sõrve is much more than that, bringing groups and communities from across Australia together in a celebration of Estonian culture and heritage in a way that is rarely seen elsewhere in the world. 

For over 60 years, our little summer camp has been convening, creating a tight-knit community that is more akin to a family than it is to a summer camp. Sõrve creates a certain magic, an energy that has brought us back, decade after decade, with each new generation adding their own fire to the Sõrve flame.

The Sõrve magic is felt across the country and across the world. We have families that travel from nearly every Australian capital city, and we have regular international visitors from Finland, Canada, Norway, and of course, Estonia. Despite only having a fleeting time in Australia, our international guests make it a priority to come back and to be a part of our community once again. They know that the moment they step onto the familiar campgrounds, they will be welcomed with open arms into the Sõrve family.

Austraalia eestlased: Sõrve annab võimaluse näha Eesti kultuuri kogu ilus

Sõrve is a testament to the beauty of Estonian culture, be it rahvatants, laulmine, or käsitöö. Year after year, we have taught generations of young Estonians how to sing, dance, and celebrate their heritage, battling the Australian summer in full traditional costume. The passion of the community has inspired many young Estonians, myself included, to pursue their personal heritage and familial histories in order to gain a deeper appreciation for the beautiful culture that surrounds us.

In our 60+ years of functioning, we have seen multiple generations grow from ‘F-Troop’ (0-3 years) into members of our juhid, and eventually into parents on their own. I have personal, clear memories of many of the juhtkond running around as toddlers, and I have seen them grow first into chaotic teenagers, and eventually into respectable young adults, adding their own ideas and passions into the community. Watching the current ‘F-Troop’ waddle around and go for a walk to the lily pond brings back fond memories of doing the same when my sister and I were young. There is a special kind of bond that is formed when you know you have been friends with someone for their whole lives, and can trust them as you would your own brothers and sisters.

For the first time in over twenty years, there has been an addition to my own family, as my partner and I have had our first born son. We are beyond excited to bring him with us to Sõrve this year and to relive the magic through the eyes of a child. It also brings us a huge amount of relief knowing that for the rest of his life, he will have a family beyond his mum and dad around him to support him in the same way that I did.

Sõrve holds a special place in all of our hearts, spawning countless relationships, marriages, and friendships. Relationships forged in the blistering Australian sun, and tempered over the decades, that last lifetimes. It is more than just a summer camp. Sõrve is a living, breathing monument to the endurance of culture, tradition, and community. It is a celebration of our heritage, a testament to our enduring family spirit, and a legacy that has thrived for 60 years and will undoubtedly continue for many more.


Erik Tults, Camp Leader 2024 & 2025



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