Global Estonian | Estonian Embassy in Washington launches new business hub
Eesti saatkond avas Washingtonis ettevõtluskeskuse

Estonian Embassy in Washington launches new business hub

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The Estonian Embassy in Washington, D.C., has opened a new business hub to support Estonian companies entering the U.S. market. Estonia already has two similar hubs in Seoul, South Korea and Singapore.

The Estonian Embassy in Washington, D.C., has opened a new business center on its premises with the aim of supporting Estonian companies that are interested in operating on the U.S, market, as well as those that are already active in the United States.

"It is not easy to get into the American market. The embassy is the only door for us to get in. Unless, by chance, the Americans have not noticed you before and come to you themselves, opening a center like in the embassy is certainly very encouraging," said Siim Saliste, vice president of business development at mixed reality situational awareness system (MRSAS) company Vegvisir.

Opened with EU funding, the new center will provide Estonian companies with space to hold business meetings, as well as product launches and other events. In addition, it will help them to establish contacts with investors.




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