Global Estonian | Estonia’s natural population growth remains sharply negative

Estonia’s natural population growth remains sharply negative

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According to the Estonian interior ministry, 9,646 babies were born in Estonia in 2024 and 15,596 people died in the same period of time, making the natural growth of the country’s population severely negative.

This means 5,950 more people died in Estonia than were born.

The trend is nothing new, though. In 2023, for example, 10,721 babies were born, and 15,832 people died. In 2022, 11,588 babies were born and 17,245 people died in Estonia.

Of the 9,646 babies born in 2024, 4,744 were girls and 4,902 boys.

The most popular girl names in Estonia in 2024 were Sofia, Mia, Emilia, Olivia, Saara, Emma, Eva, Arabella, Nora and Lenna. 

The most popular names for boys were Mark, Hugo, Oliver, Sebastian, Aron, Robin, Leon, Oskar, Markus, Miron and Rasmus.



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