Global Estonian | President Karis launches brainstorming and essay-writing competition on the topic ‘Why does the world need Estonia?’
President Karis launches brainstorming and essay-writing competition on the topic ‘Why does the world need Estonia?’

President Karis launches brainstorming and essay-writing competition on the topic ‘Why does the world need Estonia?’

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This month and next, President Alar Karis is organising a brainstorming and essay-writing competition among school students aged 7-19 on the topic ‘Why does the world need Estonia?’.

The head of state is once again calling on young people in Estonia to think about their country and share their thoughts. Whereas last year’s topic focussed on the future of Estonia, the problems the country faces and the ideals it should be striving for, this year President Karis is calling on participants to pinpoint Estonia’s place in a globalised world.

What role does one small culture play in a highly interconnected world? What advantages does it boast, and why is it important to listen to small countries in particular? How is Estonia of value to the rest of the world?

Essays on the topic can be submitted to the head of state on paper or in electronic format and should be no more than two A4 pages or 5000 characters in length, respectively.

The Office of the President of the Republic will publish both the best ideas from the brainstorming and the most impressive essays.

Essays should be submitted to the Office of the President of the Republic at A. Weizenbergi 39, 15050 Tallinn or e-mailed to by 14 February. Please attach your name, age, school and grade, home address and telephone number to your essay.

In submitting an essay, the author confirms that they have written it themselves. Moreover, in submitting the essay the author (or their legal representative, if the author is below the age of 18) consents to their name and the text of their essay being published and used in other ways.



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