Global Estonian | What is the average Estonian woman like?
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What is the average Estonian woman like?

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On the occasion of International Women's Day, Henry Lass, an analyst Statistics Estonia, investigated what the average Estonian woman is like.

  • As of January 1, 2023, the average Estonian woman is 44.5 years old. On average, the oldest women live in Ida-Viru county and Hiiu county - 50 and 49 years, respectively. The youngest women live in Tartu County, where the average age of women is 42 years.
  • The age of the average Estonian woman is 5 years higher than the age of the average Estonian man.
  • There are more women than men - 718,518 women and 647,366 men live in Estonia.
  • The share of women in the population is 52.6%, but it is not evenly distributed by age group. On the contrary, there are more men among the younger population. The predominance of women occurs from the age of 52.
  • 35.2% of adult women have higher education.
  • Among 15-year-olds and older, there is an average of 1.55 children per woman.
  • 34.9% of adult women are married.
  • As of January 1, 2023, the largest number of women named Olga, Irina and Jelena live in Estonia, all of whom are more than 10,000.


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More info:

Kai Kaljumäe 
statistika levi osakond 
tel 625 9181



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