Global Estonian | Et te ei väsiks, et silmas oleks sära ning südames soojust väikestele ja mitte enam nii väikestele Eesti lastele!
Heidy Eskor-Kiviloo
Heidy Eskor-Kiviloo

Et te ei väsiks, et silmas oleks sära ning südames soojust väikestele ja mitte enam nii väikestele Eesti lastele!

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Author: Heidy Eskor-Kiviloo

Working at the Estonian Institute has given me nothing but joy for being able to contribute to such a meaningful project. That children and young people across the world have knowledge of Estonia, and that they arrive here: to study, to attend camps, to visit their grandmothers, and perhaps to attend university, to take a job, to start a family. Until then, good luck to all volunteer teachers, school managers, parents, supervisors across the world with a sense of mission. I began listing all the countries but unexpectedly it turned out to be too long and cumbersome. It is wonderful that this is the case, that there are so many of you. Thank you!


Heidy Eskor-Kiviloo

Heidy Eskor-Kiviloo
Eesti Instituudi välisõppe juht



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