Conference: Estonian War Refugees in World War II | Global Estonian

Conference: Estonian War Refugees in World War II


10:00–10:05 Greeting and introduction, Meelis Maripuu, PhD, Board Member of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory

10:05–10:15 Opening Words by President of the Republic of Estonia, Alar Karis

10:15–10:45 Keynote speaker: Uprooted: the Refugee in Us – Andreas Kossert, historian, PhD (Germany)

10:45–11:15 Meelis Maripuu, PhD, Board Member of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory – Introduction of the database “Estonian War Refugees in World War II”

11:15–11:45 Hiljar Tammela, Researcher at the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory – presentation of a collection of articles on boat refugees to Sweden

11:45–12:00 Coffee break

12:00–12:30 Heikki Roiko-Jokela, PhD (Finland), The Northbound Journey of Estonian Refugees: Secret Crossings over the Gulf of Finland, Exile in Sweden and Extraditions to the Soviet Union

12:30–13:00 Pär Frohnert, PhD (Sweden) – Sweden and Refugees during the World War II

13:00–13:30 Ivar Rüütli – Departure of Estonian Swedes

13:30–14:00 Lunch 

14:00–14:30 Marko Poolamets and Olev Liivik, PhD (EMI) – Film introduction

14:30–15:30 Screening of the documentary film “Fleeing: Departure Into the Unknown”. The film brings to the viewer the topic of helping refugees, the stories of refugees and returnees on the example of Sweden, and illustrates the void left by refugees in Estonian society.

15:30–16:15 Discussion: Professor of Archival Studies at Tartu University, Aigi Rahi-Tamm and demographer, Tallinn University Professor Allan Puur, and Sirle Sööt, President of Association of Estonians in Sweden and Estonian World Council

16:15–16:30 Closing remarks 

17:00–18:15 Raimo Kangro’s “Mass for Innocent Estonians” (1989, op. 40)in Haapsalu Cathedral, conductor Jüri-Ruut Kangur

Video Topic: 
Estonian culture in the world
Estonian Institute of Historical Memory


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