Global Estonian | Monument to the 1944 Great Flight opened in Pärnu
Pärnus avati suurpõgenemise mälestusmärk

Monument to the 1944 Great Flight opened in Pärnu

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A monument commemorating the Great Flight of 80 years ago was unveiled in Pärnu. The statue, funded through donations, was erected under the leadership of the Estonian World Council, which gifted it to the city of Pärnu during a ceremony on Saturday. The sculpture depicts the final touch of hands. The Great Flight was also remembered at Puise Beach in Lääne County.

A monument dedicated to the Great Flight generation was unveiled on the left bank of the Pärnu River, near the city center bridge. This location marks the spot from which people fled westward from Pärnu 80 years ago. Among those who escaped was 18-month-old Kristi Vuht-Allpere, who now lives in the U.S. and spearheaded the project to erect the memorial.

"We lived in Pärnu and had a small car company with two or three cars. There were seven of us – my grandmother, grandfather, my parents, my uncle, my aunt and me. I think we had a few more relatives with us, but 22 people left on our boat, which was nine meters long. And today, on September 21, that boat reached the shores of Gotland, Sweden," Vuht-Allpere recounted.

Vuht-Allpere explained that the monument was funded primarily by donations from the descendants of refugees and cost €70,000. For her, the most important aspect is ensuring that the story of the escape is passed on and that young people know their ancestors' histories.




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