Mina, eestlane: the Estonian diaspora in London | Global Estonian

Mina, eestlane: the Estonian diaspora in London

United Kingdom
Community members and leaders

The Association of Estonian Cultural Societies continues its series Mina, eestlane (I am Estonian). This time, we are going to London, England, to talk to Estonians there.

This time, the programme features the former chairman of the Association of Estonians in Great Britain, editor of Eesti Hääl Toomas Ojasoo, who will talk about the history of the London Estonian Society, the chairman of the London Estonian Society Tiia Avastu, who will talk about the activities of the 100-year-old Society today, and Ragne Aaviste, who will talk about the London Estonian Mixed Choir


Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.