Washington Estonian School
400 Hurley Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850
United States
The Washington Estonian School was founded in 2011 (as a program under Washington Estonian Society) with the objective to uphold Estonian language and traditions among children in the Washington area.
Children of ages 3-14 are assigned to classes fitting to the kids’ age and language proficiency. The teaching methods are selected according to whether the children's primary language at home is Estonian or English. In addition to the language lessons, children learn about the Estonian traditions, ethnic customs, history, music, folk dance, and art.
Washingtoni Eesti Kooli eesmärk on õpetada eesti keelt ja kultuuri ning luua ühtekuuluvustunne. Koolis õpetatakse keelt, ajalugu, rahvatantsu, kultuuri ja käsitööd. Õpetajaid on koolis 7, laste vanus on 4-14 aastat. Kool toimiub renditud ruumides.