Eesti Abistamise Komitee (EAK) - Austraalia

- Австралия
160 Michell Road
Thirlmere NSW 2572
The objectives of the Estonian Relief Committee include:
- The promotion of Estonian history and culture in Australia;
- The teaching and promotion of literature, design, crafts, performing arts, radio, TV, moveable cultural heritage, music, community arts, video, visual arts, film, etc which is of Estonian origin;
- The preservation and promotion of Estonian language skills;
- The promotion and development of cultural relationships between Estonia and subsequent generations of Estonian descent, born in Australia;
- To facilitate cultural exchanges between groups with similar objectives from Australia and Estonia; and
- To consolidate and coordinate with like Australian organisations with cultural ties to Estonia.
One of the main aims of the ERC is to provide an organisation which facilitates the connection between a number of Australian based organisations that promote Estonian culture in Australia. The ERC also serves to support many of these organisations both financially and culturally. As a member of the ERC, you will (through this website and other events that we may organise), gain an appreciation of what is happening with your local Estonian organisation as well as track our own activities. Furthermore, you will be able to have a voice in how the ERC supports the community and bring needy causes to the attention of the Board.