Global Estonian | Exhibition Opening: "Armastusega Eestisse" / "To Estonia, With Love" - Camille & Marina Intson

Exhibition Opening: "Armastusega Eestisse" / "To Estonia, With Love" - Camille & Marina Intson

Community & Culture
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Join VEMU for the opening of Camille & Marina Intson's exhibition  "Armastusega Eestisse: Kahe põlvkonna reisikiri”/ “To Estonia, With Love: An Intergenerational Travelogue”.

The exhibition follows the story of three generations of Estonian-Canadian women—Helen Rammo (née Haljaste), Marina Intson (née Rammo), and Camille Intson—tracing their ancestors’ footsteps from Estonia to Canada and back again in the aftermath of the 1940-1991 Soviet occupation.

 In Estonian and English / Free event with donations welcomed.



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