Global Estonian | Discover KESKUS in new videogame

Discover KESKUS in new videogame

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Videogame gives sneak peek inside KESKUS - learn some Estonian while you're at it.

By the time KESKUS opens, those who have played MisKESKUS will have no problem navigating in KESKUS International Estonian Centre, being built in downtown Toronto.  

MisKESKUS, set in a 3D rendering of the new KESKUS building, is an English-language based plurilingual videogame. It focuses on gaining familiarity with navigating the layout of the Centre while learning some basic Estonian vocabulary. Elli and Heli, both teachers at Toronto's Estonian Supplementary School, developed a curriculum that would be enjoyable by players of all ages and specifically aimed at students aged 6-12, so that the game is relevant to their lived experiences.

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Download the game here!



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