Global Estonian | Roots Go Deeper While the Flowers are Blooming: Being an Estonian Abroad
Polina Lihogrud Intern at the Global Estonian and Cultural Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Polina Lihogrud - Intern at the Global Estonian and Cultural Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Roots Go Deeper While the Flowers are Blooming: Being an Estonian Abroad

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Being an Estonian is exciting – growing up in a vibrant community saturated with unmatched empathy and understanding, belonging to a unique culture with an extensive history that is painted with heroism and genuine love, feeling my heart beat in the same rhythm with souls that are strong as iron but never rust.

Time flies, and on a rare occasion it starts to seem like the miniature cosy home that we call Estonia starts to become too fun-sized for one’s boundless aspirations and the horizons are hiding perspectives beyond our emerald fields and forests, yet it only takes a brief glance to sense something thrilling yet so familiar – a bond of a kind that does not break under the force of time and distance.

When I moved to Canada a few years ago to become a student, I was intimidated by the mysteries the world has to offer, and would sometimes catch myself looking for a note from a motif I have heard before – a sparkle of home.

Meeting local Estonians is always a breath of fresh air for the ones who are looking for the meaning they have preserved and nourished at the back of their mind. Canadian Estonians are no different: the sheer love and dedication to the community they are all a part of is visible in their eyes and the moment they speak the need for any explanation vanishes into thin air. This is also the energy I was met with. Soon enough I made plenty of friends among Canadian Estonians.

The word “foreigner” does not belong to the list of concepts that can be met in their vocabulary – whether you are someone born in Estonia, possessing Estonian roots, or simply taking an interest in exploring and preserving this remarkable culture, you will be welcomed with open arms and embraced with a degree of fondness that is only known to the ones who have uncovered the secret of opening their soul to the world and have the bravery to meet the eyes that gaze with the burning desire to find something that would resonate with their own spirit – a glint of a family. Soon enough I was already on my way to Tallinn to complete an internship at the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is no surprise, then, that these fearless leaders have accomplished so much while staying truthful to themselves and cherishing the most treasured ingredient of cultural harmony: representation of tradition at global events, ethnic advocacy and activism on an international level, as well as the commitment to the cause that engulfs everyone like a flame, is combined with astonishing modesty and openness. Those looking to immerse themselves in the very essence of Estonian art, tradition, and mindset are encountered with the realisation that there is no need for worry or outstanding sacrifice.

Being the voice for this community takes tenderness and passion.

Anyone can be one.

It is often said that aiming for the moon means that even if you miss, you will land among the stars. When it comes to Estonians abroad, every single one of them is a star of its own that shines through the veil of any space and trouble. As it happens, stars do not always have the ability to illuminate the gloom in the same spot but they always form constellations and fill the sky with gleaming radiance that gives hope and drives away darkness. It is in the nature of any Estonian abroad to connect, guide and show what the love for one’s culture can do for the people at home and also the ones who are reaching for it from afar.

If you look deep within you, you may feel the roots of all Estonians stretching from the same place of admiration, and if you raise you head to look over the horizon, you will see flowers blooming.

Polina Lihogrud
Intern at the Global Estonian and Cultural Diplomacy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs



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