Global Estonian | Study in Estonia: Estonia is an opportunity!
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Study in Estonia: Estonia is an opportunity!

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Estonia is a unique country – here, clean and untouched nature exists side-by-side with one of the most digitally advanced societies in the world. Estonia is a place where you can put your bold ideas into practice and thanks to Estonia’s small size it is considerably easier than in a larger country.

If you are a young person of Estonian origin living abroad, coming to study in Estonia is a great opportunity to start shaping your career and get in touch with your roots. In Estonia, you can study in many interesting programmes in top-ranking institutions of higher education, or obtain your upper secondary education or a crucial skill in vocational education. Studying in the local education system is usually free of tuition for Estonian citizens.

The network of upper secondary schools and vocational schools covers all regions of Estonia. Many Estonians living abroad have relatives in Estonia and people often feel connected to a particular county, village or town in Estonia.

You can study in Estonian in vocational and upper secondary schools, and universities offer many programmes in English. You can also study Estonian or boost your language skills via various online platforms, both independently and with the supervision of teachers. Üleilmakool (Global School) also offers Estonian language classes in mathematics and other subjects, and you can attend preparatory courses for the B2 level Estonian exams or the state exams on the Estonian language.

Estonians living abroad who would like to enrol in vocational schools or higher education institutions can apply for a scholarship; you can apply for a special scholarship for Estonian language studies ahead of your enrolment.


Secondary education

The network of upper secondary schools and vocational schools covers all regions of Estonia. Every county has at least one state upper secondary school and vocational school. If a family moves to Estonia and your child enrols in a school in Estonia, your first point of contact should be the local government. Every child is guaranteed a place in school. It is always good to get to know the schools beforehand. We recommend reading the information available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Research, explaining how returning to Estonia works, and especially how to enter Estonia’s education system. Education is free of tuition until the end of the upper secondary school, except for private schools.

List of upper secondary schools

List of vocational schools


Vocational education

In Estonia, you can acquire a vocational education in vocational schools or, after graduating from upper secondary school, vocational colleges. Vocational schools and colleges offer a wide range of specialties, allowing you to shape your future career in music or aviation, healthcare or services.

Most vocational schools are funded by the state, which means they are free for students. Schools can offer students Estonian language classes. Many schools also provide accommodation and catering.

List of vocational schools and vocational colleges


Higher education

If you want to attend a higher education institution in Estonia, you should first get to know the various institutions and subjects, as well as their entry requirements (which can vary). The general requirement for obtaining a higher education is a secondary education but additional entry terms can apply (for example, entry exams, the results of state exams, or interviews). To study in Estonian, you must demonstrate your skills with a certificate of a state exam for graduates of upper secondary schools or a language level certificate for adults. Usually, B2 level language skills at the minimum are required to obtain a higher education in Estonia. Some universities offer the possibility of taking an Estonian language test.

Full-time studies in Estonian are usually free, except for private universities, where a tuition fee applies. If you wish to start studying in Estonian, you can complete a one-year intense language course once you have been offered a place. Studying in another language is usually subject to fees.

If you have completed your secondary education in another country, the Estonian ENIC/NARIC Centre will make a decision on access to higher education (including for those applicants from other countries who cannot present documents proving the full or partial completion of education).

List of higher education institutions in Estonia

You can find more information in English about studying in Estonia here: Study in Estonia.

The website of the University of Tartu includes information for those who have graduated abroad:

Bachelor’s and master’s studies in Estonian | Tartu Ülikool (



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