Global Estonian | "Tenet" tegi Eesti kinodes avanädalavahetuse rekordi nii vaatajate arvu kui kassatulu alusel
"Tenet" Autor/allikas: Warner Bros

"Tenet" tegi Eesti kinodes avanädalavahetuse rekordi nii vaatajate arvu kui kassatulu alusel

'Tenet' sets opening weekend box office record

Christopher Nolani "Tenet" kogus avanädalavahetusega Eesti kinodes 53 194 vaatajat ning püstitas sellega ka kõigi aegade rekordi. Varem oli avanädalavahetuse rekord Tanel Toomi "Tõe ja õiguse" käes, mis kogus esimeste päevadega 51 238 vaatamist.

"Tenet" esilinastus Eesti kinodes 26. augusti esimestel minutitel ning viie päevaga kogus film üle 53 000 vaataja ning 377 046 eurot kassatulu. Sellega lükkas Christoper Nolani värske linateos avanädalavahetuse arvestuses teisele kohale Tanel Toomi "Tõe ja õiguse", mis kogus esimeste päevadega 51 239 vaatamist ning 303 031 eurot kassatulu.

Description (English): 

The long-awaited Christopher Nolan movie "Tenet", parts of which were filmed in Tallinn, set an all-time box office record over its first weekend in the cinemas, both in terms of receipts and numbers of cinema goers.

53,194 people went to see "Tenet" over the weekend, overtaking last year's "Tõde ja Õigus", a remake of part of the Anton Hansen Tammsaare pentalogy of the same name, which picked up 51,238 in its first days, ERR's Culture portal reports.

"Tenet", which actually opened just after midnight last Wednesday, brought in €377,046, again ahead of "Tõde ja Õigus," which netted €303,031 in its opening days.

Third-place in the box office records in Estonia so far goes to "Despicable Me 3" (2017) with 50,613 attendees and a little over quarter of a million euros in receipts. Estonian movie "Klassikokkutulek 2" (2018) actually brought in more money in its opening days, just under €300,000, but drew a little under 50,000 people, with "Frozen II" (2019) in fifth place with 48 625 viewers spending € 277,949.

Key scenes in "Tenet", the movie hailed to rescue the industry post-coronavirus and whose release had been put back from July, were filmed last summer on Laagna tee, the Linnahall, Pärnu mnt and other locations in the Estonian capital. Nolan, along with stars John David Washington, Elizabeth Debicki and Robert Pattinson, were all in town while the film was being made.

"Tenet" has been shown in virtually all working cinemas nationwide, from the largest multiplexes to the smallest art theaters.


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