Global Estonian | Estonia ranks second in global Internet freedom index
Freedom House's Freedom on the Net 2020 rankings. Source: Freedom House.

Estonia ranks second in global Internet freedom index


Estonia has been ranked in second place in U.S. think tank Freedom House's global Internet freedom index and maintained its previously high score.

Freedom House published its "Freedom on the Net 2020" report for the 10th year in a row, analyzing the rights and freedoms of people in 65 countries in public webspace.

Estonia's overall score of 94/100 has remained as high as in the previous two years. Iceland came first with a score of 95/100.

The index covers areas, such as obstacles to access, lack of unfounded restrictions on online content, ensuring user rights, as well as the freedom and responsibilities of online user behaviour.


Веб-страница управляется Фондом интеграции.
Учредителем фонда является Эстонская Республика, от имени которой Министерство культуры осуществляет учредительные права.