Global Estonian | Global Estonian Day (Välis-Eesti päev) Celebrated Online

Global Estonian Day (Välis-Eesti päev) Celebrated Online

Välis-Eesti päev tähistati veebis

Global Estonian Day was celebrated online this year on November 28th.
Global Estonian Day or Välis-Eesti päev (VÄE päev) is a 90+ year-old tradition started in Estonia in the 1920's and has been re-celebrated starting in 1995 following the restoration of independence.
This year's focus was on highlighting the experiences of Estonians abroad on film. The virtual event was organized by the Ministry of the Interior in collaboration with the Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom and ended with the joint singing of the popular song 'Ta lendab mesipuu poole' (He flies to the beehive).


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