Global Estonian | Estonia ranked as 36th happiest country in the world

Estonia ranked as 36th happiest country in the world


According to the 10th annual World Happiness Report (published by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network) Estonia ranks as the 36th happiest country in the world. 

The report uses Gallup World Poll data from 2019 through 2021 to score 146 countries across factors including gross domestic product per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity and perceptions of corruption.

Finland was once again ranked as the the world’s happiest country. Finland has been ranked 1st now for five consecutive years. Researchers note that Finland’s victory isn’t even close this time around: Its score is “significantly ahead” of any other country. Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands round out the top five, in that order.

But Estonia has been steadily improving its happiness ranking. In 2021, it was ranked 40th; in 2019, the country was only 55th.

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