Global Estonian | E-residency team: E-residents make Estonia bigger

E-residency team: E-residents make Estonia bigger


Estonia was the first country to launch an e-residency program at the end of 2014. In the seven-and-a-half years since, Estonia has attracted more than 92,000 e-residents. "This year, this number is expected to grow to six digits—it can be said that the community of e-residents will soon be the second largest city in Estonia," said Liina Suvi Ristoja, a spokeswoman for the e-residency team.

She added that Estonian e-residents form a 'diaspora' that now extends to 179 countries around the world, i.e., in their own way, e-residents make Estonia bigger, said Ristoja. Their relationship with Estonia depends on different circumstances and each resident's way of life. Overall, however, Ristoja said that ​​the relationship of e-residents with Estonia is much stronger than the creators of the program dared hope.

"We see many e-residents who are real fans of Estonian and Estonian culture," she said: "Many of them will be living here for at least some time - there are many so-called digital nomads among them, who can work as freelancers and regardless of their location."

Ristoja said, e-residents communicate a lot with each other and with the program team: "Estonia has become a utopia destination for digital enthusiasts, and e-residency is its business card."

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